Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Does My Penis Shrink

Narni 2009

Some photos of our short visit on Saturday, 5 to Narni.
Not even the rain could ruin your day!
E 'was great to be able to draw again after months of Live!
the next show then: D

Salon Client Welcome Letters


Now the ball is in the other half of the mel .. mm .. the blog! : D
Here is a couple of things I delighted in doing lately ..
(.. of course all very alien to the various ongoing work XD)

Short story made for a birthday present ..
But perhaps that is likely to continue for some food!

Small illustrations and without various specific purposes ..

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And finally a couple of tables that the video "Monkey Wrench" by Foo Fighters mythical
inspired me.
missing the final in reality .. I look forward to! ;)

Thank you for your kind attention given
(.. nice?)
stay tuned on this frequency!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

What To Include On Pr-1811


have gone a bit 'of months since our trip to France but we'd still post some design made here and there on the streets Paris.

Two crazy that you can draw each other: b / w Sabri and multi-colored ale ...
then sketches of the city and surroundings (including the cemetery) and a Frenchwoman stylized that there is always a good idea, by Sabri.

Au \u200b\u200brevoir!